3.6 Mind States, continued: Working with the Poisons

Meditation: Establishing the base of embodied awareness. Sensing the whole body in its posture, the breath in the whole body, then the seeds of heart-mind (citta) states, mindfulness of your mood and energy. From this basic check-in, the formal practice of the 3rd Foundation: feeling for the presence or absence of the 3 Defilements: greed, hatred, delusion; and the subtler states of concentration and energy.
(Recorded on 4.9.19 at Insight Meditation Satsang, online)

Talk: Working with the Poisons! Sensing not just big emotional greed, hatred, and delusion, but the subtle, water-we-swim-in varieties. This leads into using the 3 as personality types, and how that can help us become aware of our deeper patterns. All of this embedded in the limb of Wise Effort: uplift the wholesome and diminish the unwholesome. Ended with some discussion of greed-hatred-delusion as synonyms for fight-flight-freeze.
(Recorded on 4.9.19 at Insight Meditation Satsang, online)

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