Meditation: a Loving-Kindness (mettā) practice orienting toward racial difference, oscillating between “like me” categories and “unlike me” categories
(Recorded on 5.1.18 at Insight Meditation Satsang, Berkeley, CA)
Talk: Opening the exploration by explaining the 5 Circles model using examples relating to race and racism
(Recorded on 5.1.18 at Insight Meditation Satsang, Berkeley, CA)
Meditation: Breathing, interconnection, and compassion
(Recorded on 5.8.18 at Insight Meditation Satsang, Berkeley, CA)
Talk: Bodhisattva practice in relation to social justice, through the lens of the 5 Circles model. How we understand ourselves in relation to collective experience, or collective karma. Compassion as the practice of understanding personal identity in relation to systemic trauma, and how to disentangle personal truth from collective identity.
We look at the implications of the profound teaching of Selflessness (anattā) for growing in compassionate action, and I tell one of the origin stories of the bodhisattva named Avalokiteśvara/Quan Yin, The One Who Hears the Cries of the World while Resting at Ease.
(Recorded on 5.8.18 at Insight Meditation Satsang, Berkeley, CA)