Satipatthana Sutta, april 2012. video

satipatthana sutta, April 2012

Video of 4 classes on the Satipatthana Sutta, the Buddha’s instructions on the practice of mindfulness. This is the core text that teaches meditation and the path of insight in the Theravada Buddhist tradition, and is a beautifully clear and inspiring guide for practice. We’re reading Anālayo’s translation (you can download the text here). (The sound isn’t perfect in all the group readings & discussion… Read along & turn the sound up as necessary.) All 4 classes are up, in 8 parts. Questions welcome in comments below.
Class 1: mindfulness of body. breath, posture, activities.

Class 2: more mindfulness of body, then into feeling tone

Class 3: mindfulness of feeling & mind. I think here’s where we had a juicy convo about Tantra and pleasure…

Class 4: mindfulness of dhamma. hindrances, aggregates, sense spheres, enlightenment factors, noble truths. The camera was too zoomed in, so I’m cut off a little. Just listen. Or watch my hands move around…


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