Saṅgha Gatherings
All of our community events are online for the immediate future, on the Zoom platform so that we can interact. Please join us if you would be supported by saṅgha (spiritual community) in this moment. All are welcome.
At the moment there are three regular gatherings: the Tuesday night satsang, morning practices on the new, full and quarter moon days knows as Uposatha (observance days) in the Buddhist tradition, and Saturday morning sanghas.
Both of these gatherings are open to beginners and experienced meditators, and new folks are always welcome to drop in. For beginners, you’ll find basic meditation instructions here, and information about the chants we do here.
Insight Meditation Satsang
with Sean Feit Oakes
Tuesdays 7:30-9:30 pm (Pacific)
All are welcome, for all or part of this schedule:
7:30 — Refuge & Precepts Pūjā (chants in Pāli & English)
7:45 — Meditation with instructions
8:15 — Community circle/small groups
8:30 — Talk/study
9:00 — Discussion
to Join via Zoom
After gathering, if you are moved to offer support, you can make a gift just below on this page. Thank you for being part of this community.
Our weekly meditation and study group is based in the Insight Meditation tradition and its sources in Thai and Burmese Theravāda Buddhism.
The focus of the group is on deepening in both traditional Buddhist practice, and exploring the links between individual & systemic liberation in the form of social justice and collective healing practice. I bring a particular focus on working with the nervous system and resolving the symptoms of trauma, supported by devotional practice, study, and ethics as the basis of the path.
Building a community dedicated to individual & collective liberation
Insight Meditation is a translation of the Pāli word vipassanā, literally “Clear Seeing.” As a style of meditation, it was created by American and European students of Thai Forest and Burmese Theravāda Buddhist teachers in the 1970s, and has woven valuable aspects of Western psychology and healing work into those beautiful, ancient streams of practice. I was invited to teach by my mentor, Jack Kornfield, in 2010, and attempt to offer Buddhist teachings in a way that is accessible and integrated with the social reality of 21st century life while remaining faithful to the renunciate core of the Theravāda system. (You can read more on my lineage and teaching here.)
Satsang is Sanskrit for “community of truth” and describes gatherings of seekers who meet to open their hearts and minds together through sharing wisdom and inquiry. In addition to the Thai Forest and Burmese satipaṭṭhāna traditions, I bring in perspectives from Zen, Mahāyāna Buddhism, Hindu and Buddhist tantras, and Haṭha Yoga as counterpoint. Teachings also are substantially influenced by trauma resolution practice, which has shown itself as profoundly valuable for meditators and yogis, and the urgent work of social justice and anti-oppression awareness.
Beginners to meditation and contemplative practice are warmly welcome, especially anyone interested in how the paths of Buddhism and Yoga inform the resolution of trauma, and the work to respond wisely to oppression that is the heart of social justice and resilience work.
My intention is for this to be a space of beloved community, radical inquiry, and deep nourishment as we cultivate individual and communal awakening, especially through the extreme challenges of climate change and the many social and cultural ruptures we tend in our communities. We need community, and safe spaces for spiritual practice, now more than ever if we are to find strength and wisdom to act in service of communal well-being.
May our practice be of benefit to all.
Uposatha Practice Days
with Indrani Singh
with Sarah Clark
These sanghas meet every Saturday morning, exploring face to face transmission. Meeting the conditions of a pandemic, we are currently exploring how to practice while physically distancing or sheltering in place.
(password: satsangha)
- 7-8am PDT: 30 min meditation, 30 min movement.
- Option to stay on after to chat and drink morning beverages.
- All levels, all folks welcome.
- Be on or off camera any time, come as you are. It’s a gift for us to see you in your life: messes, children, pets and all.
- Props are lovely if you have them AND you can be great without them and make good use of ordinary things in your home like chairs, couches, cushions and walls.
You can view the saṅgha schedule in calendar form
To add to your personal Google Calendar, right click to copy this link and follow these instructions.
To add to your personal iCal, right click to copy this link and follow these instructions.
Give in support of spiritual community
As with everything I offer, these groups are sustained by the practice of Gift Economy. Your generosity allows me to offer groups and practice resources in this model, open to all, and is the basis of an inclusive and accessible practice community.
*Purchasing a recurring gift creates an automated monthly charge to your credit card. You may cancel or update your credit card at any time via private links provided in your confirmation email. Email us here to have your links resent.
*Please make gifts for quarter moon practices to Indrani Singh directly.
Thank you for your generosity!
Building a community dedicated to individual & collective liberation
Insight Meditation is a translation of the Pāli word vipassanā, literally “Clear Seeing.” As a style of meditation, it was created by American and European students of Thai Forest and Burmese Theravāda Buddhist teachers in the 1970s, and has woven valuable aspects of Western psychology and healing work into those beautiful, ancient streams of practice. I was invited to teach by my mentor, Jack Kornfield, in 2010, and attempt to offer Buddhist teachings in a way that is accessible and integrated with the social reality of 21st century life while remaining faithful to the renunciate core of the Theravāda system. (You can read more on my lineage and teaching here.)
Satsang is Sanskrit for “community of truth” and describes gatherings of seekers who meet to open their hearts and minds together through sharing wisdom and inquiry. In addition to the Thai Forest and Burmese satipaṭṭhāna traditions, I bring in perspectives from Zen, Mahāyāna Buddhism, Hindu and Buddhist tantras, and Haṭha Yoga as counterpoint. Teachings also are substantially influenced by trauma resolution practice, which has shown itself as profoundly valuable for meditators and yogis, and the urgent work of social justice and anti-oppression awareness.
Beginners to meditation and contemplative practice are warmly welcome, especially anyone interested in how the paths of Buddhism and Yoga inform the resolution of trauma, and the work to respond wisely to oppression that is the heart of social justice and resilience work.
My intention is for this to be a space of beloved community, radical inquiry, and deep nourishment as we cultivate individual and communal awakening, especially through the extreme challenges of climate change and the many social and cultural ruptures we tend in our communities. We need community, and safe spaces for spiritual practice, now more than ever if we are to find strength and wisdom to act in service of communal well-being.
May our practice be of benefit to all.
Join our virtual saṅgha on Facebook
for community connection and practice discussion. All are welcome.
Recent talks
Each week I make recordings of the meditation and dharma talks from Tuesday Satsang. The most recent topics are below, and you can find the full archive here.
“Strive on!” (skillfully). Learning the Dance of Right Effort
And what is right effort? It’s when a mendicant generates enthusiasm, tries, makes an effort, exerts the mind, and strives so that bad, unskillful qualities don’t arise. They generate enthusiasm,…
Read More“Even two mountains of gold are not enough…”: Livelihood, scarcity, & the dukkha of individualism
It’s “Super Tuesday” as I write this, and though I’m mainly worried that the Dems will mess this up and the world will get another 4 years of the current…
Read More“Do not ignore the effect of Right Action”: Ethics, kamma, and the Eightfold Path
The Right Action limb of the path covers the first 3 precepts, starting with non-harming. We’ll look at this excerpt from a sutta called “Intentional” (AN 10.217) to start off,…
Read MoreSpeech like flowers, speech like honey: The discipline & art of Right Speech
We begin looking at speech — the first aspect of the 3 Limbs of ethical action, or sīla. For many of us, speech is one of the most overt ways…
Read MoreCultivating Home in Our Hearts: For Adult Adoptees, Fostered, & Child Welfare System Survivors
This page houses the talks and meditations given by Sean Oakes and Lev White at our Nov 2, 2019 daylong workshop at East Bay Meditation Center. This class was for…
Read More“The ford where all the Buddhas cross”: Ethics as the ground of liberation
Continuing in our exploration of the Noble Eightfold Path, we’re entering the limbs of Right Speech, Action, and Livelihood, collectively known as the Ethics (sīla) section. A discourse called “The…
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