The Noble Eightfold Path

The Noble Eightfold Path (ariyo aṭṭhaṅgiko maggo) is the core Buddhist framework that describes the path of practice toward Liberation from Suffering. It is divided into 3 sections: Wisdom, Action, and Meditation/Integration.

The section on Wisdom (pañña)

1. Right (or Wise) View (sammā-diṭṭhi ) (2.28.17 on Suffering and 3.7.17 on Karma)

2. Right Intention (sammā-sankappa) (3.14.17)

The section on Ethics (sīla)

3. Right Speech (sammā-vācā) (3.21.17)

4. Right Action (sammā-kammanta) (4.4.17)

5. Right Livelihood (sammā-ājīva) (4.11.17)

Summary: Wise Action as choices that condition States (4.18.17)

The section on Meditation (samādhi)

6. Right Effort (sammā-vāyāma) (5.2.17)

7. Right Mindfulness (sammā-sati) (5.9.17)

8. Right Meditation/Integration (sammā-samādhi)

On Stillness (5.23.17)

Meditation: Concentration at the nose-tip

On nibbāna (5.30.17)

Meditation: Stilling body, stilling mind (5.30.17)

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